Friday, November 14, 2008

For the love of...dishcloth cotton (Part 1)


So as I'm sure you know by now Photobucket and I am completely infatuated with knitting kitchen dishcloths and bathroom handtowels... since you've seen just a few in my

Well, I'm proud to announce that I've officially converted Jenn to a full-blown cotton yarn addict...(bwah hah ha ha!)

This is a particularly dangerous habit since
#1 cotton yarn is SO reasonable to buy ($2-4.00 a skein)
#2 there are millions of colors to choose from
#3 the projects knit up relatively fast (instant gratification!)
#4 it is very "clean" to work with - lets you see every stich clearly so elaborate patterns look awesome (unfortunately that also means that every lil mistake is VERY obvious)

All of these factors cause a scary amount of cotton yarn to accumulate (very) quickly... Photobucket

Luckily all that cotton knits up real pretty :) You saw the halloween handtowels here but I thought I'd share a few more...

I made this pastel & cream set to be guest handtowels in my downstairs bath

Pastels & Cream

Here's a close up:

Bath close-up

This crazy color combo matches my workshop :)

Workshop cloth

Close up of the detail stiching:

Workshop close-up

These are both the same pattern, but could hardly look more different!

Same pattern, drastically different

Closer view of the neutral one:

Neutral handtowel zoom

One of my favorite patterns EVER - "English Ribbing"

English ribbing blue & white

Close- up of the loopy cooshiness of this towel :)

Ribbing stich close-up

Two of a kind

Two of a kind

Still on the needles

Ribbing on the needles

Some from my Brown & Cream period...

B & C On display

What a nice set!

Brown & Cream Group

Finally, a cute lil lamb to add to your collection :)



1 comment:

LeeAnn M. - Jewelry Designer said...

I really like the "two of a kind" towels as they look fuzzy like a little lam(b). LOL *giant Mike Meyers wink*. I love all of them...especially the one that matches your shop. Nice photos of your work!!!
