I posted some pics… not a good view of leaves changing, but still so pretty. (weird, the next day it was like every tree changed) These are from a town right next door. From home, we can walk around the corner and WHAM!... You’re hit with a view of the water that can take your breath away (I’ll get pics of that soon). We climbed a big rock to look out over the harbor... I was a champ and even though I don't like heights, enjoyed the view. Getting down I shook like a leaf (ha ha, get it?), but it was worth it.
Let me describe my peaceful happy place. The one I’ll go to from now on whenever life gets me to stressing… This morning, while walking the dogs, I brought them into a little woodsy nook. While they sniffed around… I stood and looked up. All I could hear was the breeze rustling through the trees. Just then the breeze picked up and all these leaves started falling around me… almost like it was in slow motion. It was a picture perfect peaceful moment (say that three times fast).
Though living in that same nook, we discovered we have an owl in the neighborhood. Holy creepy sounds at night… so close to Halloween!
Back to crafting… I’ve been knitting like crazy! Now that I discovered the yarn store in town and an A.C. Moore 2 miles from work I’m in yarn heaven at home. I have one helluva backlog going for Christmas but at least I started early! And speaking of making a mistake... Son of a *&^%$ !!! (Are we supposed to curse while knitting?) I have been working on a dishcloth with a pattern that is IMPOSSIBLE to fix if you make a mistake (called English Ribbing). You have to rip the whole thing out and start over... Well... methinks I have just defeated the impossible task. Somehow I managed to pull out a bunch of rows (infuratied tugging was more like it) and wound up with a perfect row of stitches to pick up... I knitted (whilst holding my breath) and VOILA. I'm not out of the woods yet (tee hee...) but we'll see what happens...
I’ve been reading too… but I’ve only been able to squeeze in a few minutes before falling asleep at night. (Lee I still have the graphic novel you lent me staring at me longingly from my nightstand!) My mom and I love the author Karen Marie Moning. We’re both cheesy romance fans, but her books are different. Less cheese, good steam, and humor! She incorporates magic and The Fae too, again without the cheese. Her new Fae Series is AWESOME. It’s set in Dublin about a girlie-girl gone tough who can see the Fae and is basically out to destroy the bad Fae and avenge her sister. It’s got some naughty steamy parts, good humor, and it has Fairies. Nuff said ladies! I highly recommend it… Then if you like it, try the Highlander Series. They are absolutely delicious!
Looks AMAZING!!!
OMG those views!!! Meesa be major jelly o'those pics there....so happy to see your grill from ear to ear though. ;) Hmmm, those reads sound pretty catchy...must take a looksy. Miss you so much! ~lee
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