It's about time I got my behind in here for my first post. ;) I LOVE this blog!! It seems I have a ton more time for crafting and creating now that I'm living with my "distraction." I can't wait to vent my many ideas and frustrations in here with you two. Most excellent!
Now... for my first blog I would like to talk about my love of socks. I know, it's not really news. But it's gotten past addiction level. I have a huge drawer stuffed full of socks. Now...what shall I do with so many socks?? Wardrobe changes to make sure they all get equal love and attention? *sigh*
Socks... When I walk in the store and I see them hanging on a wall... What's going to happen? Of COURSE I have to buy a pair. I must stop!! I need a cure! I MUST KNIT SOCKS.
Two of my passions rolled into one. However... Um... It looks ... like... REALLY hard. And I'm still at the end of my beginner phase methinks and want to advance. Do I dare jump off the cliff into the advanced world of knitting socks?
Help me! Save me from myself! I must find the most excellent yarn (both in texture and color) to knit socks with. And then to start, the easiest pattern to be found...
Mission impossible? Methinks not... Mission really hard? Likely. Learning how to knit socks? Priceless.